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sorry… anywho the great and powerful fi posted about this so I had to go read the shit. And I have to agree with fi, which is odd cuz I tend to agree with Alison Kent’s posts.

Oh Look Amazon… again
The review is dumb. But it is an AMAZON review, which are more often than NOT dumb. So whatever.

Does it trash a book, author or publisher? I don’t see it.

If an editor would take that as a dig or trash of said editor, I would say editor needs a thicker skin and new job. Maybe I am not reading enough into the review but I think the line in question is:

“Some may rush out and buy it, and any author who can convince her publisher to run with this deserves the income.”

ok AND?

Sounds more like an author getting her knickers in a twist over a writer (psuedowriterwannabe) doing a bad amazon review because I can’t for the life of me figure out why it deserved attention. Uh so here is more attention…

I do have to say I agree with alison in theory but this review doesn’t trash any editor or publisher. And really the comments just make authors look silly, cliquish and petty.

Could just be me…