There are tons of blogs and reviews sites that have an ‘edge’ or a snark about them. They range from funny to ugly, to over the top or amusing.

I can only think of one that has authors reviewing honestly, something I can totally understand. Do I agree with the fact that most authors and or editors start censoring themselves when they become such, no I think it sucks.

But I understand it and respect it. And hell we would all be stupid to not assume there are ‘reader’ blogs or message board groupies that are fake names for authors. So in theory something like Literary Sass should be just another review blog.

But it seems to be trying to hard to be in your face, honest, we don’t give a fuck what you think, let me tell you one more time how much I don’t give a fuck about your opinion, wait come back I want to tell you I don’t give a fuck!

If I wrote, I wouldn’t need to suck it up to send them books. I can’t see why I would care what other writers, hiding behind fake names telling me they are two-faced whores would think of my shit. Of course I am not a writer. So I don’t think my opinion matters. Who knows maybe they are the bestest evah and I just don’t get it.

The shot glass rating is funny.