Sharon Page’s Website

Desperate to enjoy one glorious adventure before submitting to her boring-but enviable-match, Diana Tiverton arranges to masquerade as a madam for one night. Forced to flee the brothel before she is discovered, Diana accepts the help of the dangerously intriguing Lucian Northcote, Viscount Pembroke. Escaping in his well-appointed carriage, Diana quickly discovers that all of the excitement she could possibly want is right in front of her…

After impulsively helping the reckless innocent, Lucian is more than happy to indulge her need for sensual adventure. But before their few days of wicked passion are up, Lucian finds to his shock that he is becoming… A Gentleman Seduced.

Our Guest buzzer, Kathryn can be found on her blog and is about to dip her toes into the ever growing paranormal market with a historical, Be Mine Tonight. I am still pouting about that since I did so enjoy Still in my heart. Oddly enough no one asked me first *g*.

Kathryn’s Buzz

Diana Tiverton is desperate for a little adventure in her life before she marries. She wants to do something wild — something she will never forget. This desire leads her to pose as madam of a high-class brothel for one night. When she is forced to flee to escape discovery, Diana finds herself at the mercy of Lucien Northcote, a dangerously attractive viscount. Lucien is all too happy to oblige Diana in her quest for sensual pleasure, but when they’re time together is up it is difficult to tell who is the seducer and the who is the seducee.

First of all I need to admit that Sharon Page is a good friend. And I have to brag about the fact that this book was inspired by a print she saw in a book I have on 19th century pornography. One of the things that struck me about Sharon’s writing is her ability to combine scorching sex with romance. What she writes is truly erotic, and she combines it with history and emotion — all the things you want in a …ahem… satisfying read.

Excerpt found here and book can be purchased here! Her coming soon pages shows she has a book called Sin coming out with Aphrodisia and she has a contest that ends tonight – here. Cool… Thanks for the buzz, Kate!