As you can see here I am not signed up this month for Angie’s TBR challenge but seeing how I accidentally did it I am crashing the party. Yeah yeah yeah I will post the historical one soon.

Military/Police themed book in honor of Memorial Day OR an ebook/book in print that was first an ebook.

Since doing an ebook seems like cheating…

Title: Tell It to the Marines

Author: Amy J. Fetzer

Year published: 2004

Why did you get this book? I have been wanting to try her and since I am waiting for her last book to be mailed I picked this up at a library sale.

Do you like the cover? Okay, so could have been Marine Bad Boys *g*

Did you enjoy the book? yes but I will prolly not keep it

Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again? Yes and Yes

Are you keeping it or passing it on? passing on

Anything else? Ooh-rah! It was a fun book, one of her first I think with Brava. And a nice set up for wanting to read a full story. It is really in the vain of a Bad Boy book, three short stories. Very character driven and these are somewhat RSy. Nothing GREAT but fun and entertaining.