***NOTE Book Three in the Tales of the Shareem

You can find Allyson James (aka jennifer ashley) website here and her blog here

Rio. A Level Three Shareem complete with black leather, handcuffs and a whip.

Genetically programmed to provide every woman’s wildest fantasy, Rio is the ultimate Dom. His bad-boy smile and Shareem-blue eyes can make the most frigid woman fall to her knees and beg him to be gentle.

But not too gentle.

Nella, Princess of Ariel, has never heard of Shareem. She sees Rio only as the man who rescues her from assassination and who hides her until she can get back to her family. A friend.

But Rio can’t fight his programming, and before long he’s taking the sexy princess aside to give her some very interesting lessons in trust… never dreaming she’s giving him lessons in love.

Devon can be found at Is that a stake in your pocket? [now with comments ;)]

Devon’s ebuzz

Not bad, a fun read. This is one of those total female fantasies that I find really fun about Romantica.

The series takes place in a Sci-Fi, futuristic world where scientists have genetically engineered a breed of super-hot males who exist merely to pleasure women.


But the lab’s been shut down, and the species (the Shareem) have been outlawed and sent underground. There are different types of Shareem, with different specialties. This installment focuses on Rio, who is a Level 3–a Dominant, who’s great with the cuffs and a whip. (Remember though, that he is meant to be used by women, so its only ever an illusion of dominance.)

Rio finds and saves Nella, and brings her back to the compound where he lives with his maker and some friends. Let the sex begin!

There’s somewhat of a plot, but really this is about learning about the Shareem, hot sex between Nella and Rio, and if they will find a happily ever after. Can Nella love Rio, or will she only see him as a sex object?

Like I said, this was a fun way to spend a couple of hours. I didn’t exactly buy the love story, it was of the insta-lust variety, but the sex scenes were good. The sex was very explicit, and featured a variety of activities (big variety), including some BDSM, but I would characterize it as light (but be aware). The book overall had a playful, light tone, and an…interesting setting. I’d check out another one of these.

Excerpt HERE and you can purchase here… Thanks Devon!!!