First… not so interesting… work is kicking my ass trying to get use to the time thing. Oddly enough, but update on Author weeks and new ebuzz to come shortly, hey I think I even have two whole days off. Really it isn’t bad working six days, but going from not working at allllllll to working all the fucking time sucks ass. EEK, sorry try to keep whining to a min on this blog ;).

The ever delightful, smart and interesting blog Dear Author has a great post up… go forth, read and comment. I have a few follow up thoughts but will post in a few days. LOL if you give a shit ;).
The Author/Reader Disconnect or Why Can’t We Just All Get Along?

I so do this… and have no shame about it what about you…

Emma Sinclair aka an author I hope to read soon has a great post on her blog What Would I Pay 13 For?
Another topic I have some comments on but shall post later… go forth and add your two cents ;).

Renee has a fab review up for Nicole Jordan’s Heartbreaker

Speaking of Nicole Jordan, looks like she was on the Romantic Times board for the Ask the Author thing. I don’t have a scrip right now so I never think to check this, you can only ask questions if you have a subscription. Go forth and looky, some not really new info on Wolf and new info on her next series, which will be out before the end of the current series.

The ever moving Avid Reader has a great tear jerker post up. I personally don’t seek out books to make me cry. I am a wuss and it takes very lil…

Ames and Bam remind me why sookie so needs to be dead to me. Honestly if I had known what she did to her hero in her other series, I never would have picked up this series.