WAIT… come back…

Tweet AAR why have you left me? Why can’t I find you? I need to check your message boards and to look for new reviews. damn it work! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new...

per maili’s request

Tweet taken from Websites We Love Pages 63 & 64 of Romantic Times Bookclub July 2005 issue 257 Under Blogs AVIDEREADERKET.BOGSPOT.COM: The Avid Keishon rants and raves about readers, writers, romances and more. She’s got strong opinions, a sassy style and...

A Day Late and all that

Tweet I am sure this has been talked about already but how cool is it that Avidreader aka Keishon, crankyreader aka cw and smart bitches aka sarah and candy got linked in the RT mag this month. heee I fangirlie sqqqeeee’ed… and nicole got quoted too kewl...