Review: Master Of Pleasure by Jessica Trapp

Tweet I am not sure why I decided I wanted Master Of Pleasure by Jessica Trapp. She is a new author I had never heard of and it had a cheesy cover complete with bad title. I am thinking it was amazons lil blurb: Book Description A spicy historical set during the...

When did the bookstore…

Tweet become the library? I mean I know there are coffee shops and such there but am I the only person who doesn’t go into a bookstore to read? I love the comfy chairs and I will sit down with three or four books and figure out which ones I want. But I...

Wishes Do Come True

Tweet The last list I posted had 17 books I wanted. This has eight! 8! 3 of which are hard to find pricey books. And that is on top of the 11 books I already have coming to me. The trading list we started is just kicking ass. And really everyone is doing pretty well....