ohhh look new review site

go forth and book mark

Alison Kent shocks me by linking to brenda coulter’s blog and making me find something I agree with Lee Goldberg on.

As for Brenda’s post, I am not sure when she will be coming out with the rules and regs of what it is ok for us to blog about. Or really not us – just you writer folks. Damn you all for speaking your mind, damn you to hell.

some where right now baby jesus is crying…

sigh post like this make me sad I didn’t do my reader blog in lj cuz I have a great baby jesus crying icon.

as for some of the ‘official’ rwa stuff alison has up:

LITERACY SIGNING: Writers are free to sign whatever books you’ve agreed to sign at the Reno conference. We ask that you keep the promotional displays
to a minimum, due to lack of space. As to any promotional materials and
donated baskets, we ask that you please keep in mind that this is a public
event and, as such, there will be people under eighteen there.

WHAT are you expecting if you take your under eighteen child to a romance conference? And you know what, you can have rules to keep under eighteen people out of places. Are we marketing romance novels to people under eighteen? Then why the fuck do they need to be there?

I am sorry but I can’t think of a good reason to bring a five year old to a romance conference (just pulling 5 years old out of my ass). And as an adult going to a romance conference (I am not but if I was) I really don’t want your five year old there anyway.

They are kids. They will get bored. They will be annoying. It isn’t their fault they are kids. That is their job to expect to be amused and be annoyed if they aren’t. You take kids to B&N story time, not to RWA conferences. And if you make the choice to take your kiddos – if RWA lets them in – then that is your responsibility.


duh… I know AngieW took her babe to a conference but I am guessing she didn’t expect the covers to be babyproofed for her. Feel free to correct me angie ;).