I really need to start blogging about the books I read right when I read them.

Not because I am worried you all out in blogworld are wondering about what I am reading and if I like it but because I would like to remember things about the books when asked later! It is sad I am 29 and have no memory but I can review my blogs or even link to the (is that way vane) when books are asked about. I drop in and out of message board often and quick during the work day so if I have my thoughts together I can answer vs thinking OH I want to say something and will later and then never doing it.

Is that just me?

Books I have read that need blog entries:

Against the Wall by Rhyannon Byrd
Bite of Magick by Rhyannon Byrd
Ordinary Charm by Anya Blast
it has been so long I need to skim them over to remember what the fuck I wanted to say

One Night of Sin by Gaelen Foley – have I said how much I loved this book lately?

Jamie by Lori Foster
To Tempt A Rogue by Adrienne Basso
Night in Eden by Candice Proctor – done
Master of Pleasure by Jessica Trapp – done
Lady in Red – if I am not gonna get my shit together and send something to sb about this I need to post something cause gawd it was bad. I have put it in the reread pile to look at it another time just to see if it was really THAT bad. I have read Karen Hawkins in the past and really enjoyed her.

will wait to finish reading sequel:
Texas Embrace by Rosanne Bittner