by Sandy M | Apr 5, 2012 | Review |
Tweet Sandy M’s review of Believe It or Not by Tawna Fenske Contemporary Romance published by Sourcebooks Casablanca 6 Mar 12 I’ve been looking forward to Tawna Fenske’s second book since I read her debut, Making Waves, a number of months ago. She...
by Sandy M | Jan 17, 2012 | Ponderings, Review |
Tweet This is the second year in a row I’ve not been able to decide which of two terrific books should be my No. 1. So I have a tie once again. Last year it was two fantasies that made the top spot. This year one of those authors has maintained her position, but...
by Sandy M | Nov 6, 2011 | Guests and Events |
Tweet Our thanks to Tawna Fenske for taking time to Duck Chat with us, sharing her sense of humor and making us laugh. It was a very enjoyable day! And now for our winners who will receive a copy of Tawna’s Making Waves: Quilt Lady (#1) and Maureen (#4)...
by Sandy M | Aug 9, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet Are you ready to have a blast and laugh till you hurt? If not, get in the mood! If you are, you’ve come to the right place. Whichever mood you’re in, you have to pick up Tawna Fenske‘s debut novel, Making Waves. If you’re in a funk, you...
by Sandy M | Aug 9, 2011 | Guests and Events |
Tweet If you’ve read my review of Tawna Feske‘s Making Waves today, you know I spent a good deal of the time laughing while reading that book. And laughing. And laughing. You’re in for a treat, because Tawna is one of those...