by LynneC | Feb 19, 2011 | Review |
Tweet LynneC’s review of Claimed: The Pregnant Heiress by Day Leclaire Contemporary Romance published by Silhouette Desire 4 Jan 11 I’m a big fan of Day Leclaire’s Dante’s Inferno books, so I looked forward to reading her entry to The Takeover series for...
by LynneC | Feb 13, 2011 | Review |
Tweet LynneC’s review of Seduced: the Unexpected Virgin by Emily McKay Contemporary Romance published by Silhouette Desire 1 Feb 11 Silhouette Desire has a new series about a takeover of a company and the people involved. It looks as if the title similarity will be...
by LynneC | Feb 5, 2011 | Review |
Tweet LynneC’s review of Million Dollar Amnesia Scandal by Rachel Bailey Contemporary Romance published by Silhouette Desire 1 Feb 11 A few years ago, there was a spate of books where one or other of the protagonists had amnesia. Very often, the amnesia was induced...
by LynneC | Feb 2, 2011 | Review |
Tweet LynneC’s review of To Tempt A Sheikh by Olivia Gates category novel released by Silhouette Desire Feb 11 I generally enjoy Olivia Gates’s books. A couple haven’t resonated with me but the ones she’s written for the Silhouette Desire line are treats. Lush...
by Dinca | Oct 23, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Dinca’s review of Claiming King’s Baby (Kings of California, Book 4) by Maureen Child Contemporary Romance published by Silhouette Desire 13 Oct 09 Okay. So I read another of the Kings of California series. Of all the pigheaded oafs in the world,...