The Saturday extravaganza at Romantic Times!

Tweet So to the last full day of the Convention. Looking back, I think this was one of the best ones I’ve been to, although this is only my third. The hotel was a good choice, although a bit spread out, campus style, the convention center was magnificent, and the...

Romantic Times: Day Three?

Tweet Today I succumbed. I slept. They say you can sleep when you’re dead, but today I could have slept standing up. I did two panels today and I was very nervous, but they went really well. The first was on alternative mythologies and the second on online...

Wednesday at Romantic Times

Tweet So the first full day of the conference is underway! I attended the Samhain spotlight this morning, which featured one of my books in all its glory (Yorkshire) and then the private Ellora’s Cave brunch, which went well. We had a talk about foreign rights...