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lynnec.jpgToday I succumbed. I slept. They say you can sleep when you’re dead, but today I could have slept standing up. I did two panels today and I was very nervous, but they went really well. The first was on alternative mythologies and the second on online promotion. Public speaking is not my thing, really not, and I was surprised to discover that went for another panel member, Joey W. Hill. She is charming, and smart, but she doesn’t do many speeches and presentations. We agreed that you do what works best for you, that you are honest with your reader and you go with what you feel most comfortable with.

It was the Vampire Ball tonight. A great success. Heather Graham was a gracious hostess and a good time was had by all.

I was at a reception earlier on with Angela James and Jane Litte was in the corner of the room, twittering. A really strange experience.

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