Review: Skin by Bernadette Gardner

Tweet Teddypig’s review of Skin by Bernadette Gardner Paranormal erotic romance ebook released by Ellora’s Cave 25 Jan 08 First off, I would like to say GOOD JOB! to Les Byerley for the most excellent cover of this eBook. Les is more! (so to speak) It has...

Lots and Lots of Sybils, coming June 2008

Tweet New paranormal romance trilogy coming from Anna Windsor, the Dark Crescent Sisterhood.  Go and mark your calendars!  This back to back release starts June 24, 2008.  Book 1 – Bound by Shadow by Anna Windsor.  From the back of the ARC: Falling for a demon...

Review: A Fiend In Need by Maureen Child

Tweet Devon’s review of A Fiend In Need by Maureen Child Contemporary paranormal romance released by NAL Trade 4 Mar 08 This book contains: a snarky, flippant narrator; multiple Buffy/Angel references; the overuse of the word “hoo-hah” as a euphemism...