Lisa Valdez’s Newsletter and Excerpt

Tweet There was a slight mix-up at first with the link from Lisa’s newsletter. So I fixed it by changing the link to the post where the excerpt was. But I noticed some error’s hitting the first link which I had changed. Soooooo I created this one. My...

cream, sugar or milk…

Tweet A small part of Jane’s response in If You Can’t Take the Heat, mentioned Passion’s Breastfeeding sex bit: Further for Ms. V to write that she didn’t expect this type of response also seems a bit ridiculous. Her book was filled with...

If you can’t take the heat…

Tweet My take on Passion was a largely favorable one. I liked it. With each reread, I liked it more. But one thing I noticed she seemed to get too involved with the discussions on message boards. As a reader I like talking about books with the authors. Yes shocking I...