by Guest Author | Mar 14, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Casee’s review of More Than You Wished by Jo Goodman Historical romance released by Zebra on 21 Apr 01 Sybil has been nice enough to indulge me by agreeing take one of my Jo Goodman reviews to post here at TGTBTU. I am a huuuuuuge fangirl of Jo Goodman....
by BevQB | Feb 23, 2008 | Guests and Events |
Tweet Before Syb fires me for being the worst Contest Duckie ever (I admit it, I’m WordPress challenged, or as Syb said, I have bevnical difficulties), I wanted to send some luv out. I hope all of you had as much fun during Valenduckie Week as we did. Our Guest...
by Sybil | Aug 31, 2007 | Quacking About, The Pond |
Tweet le sigh… someone may need to come take three books away from me so I stop rereading them. Have you bought If His Kiss Is Wicked by Jo Goodman yet? Cuz you need too… Emma pushed herself up on her elbows. “You invited me to join you when you went...
by Sybil | Aug 18, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet If His Kiss Is Wicked by Jo Goodman We shall talk more about If His Kiss Is Wicked cuz I lurved it. And I can see many a person holding it to their heart too, as well as many not liking it. In fact I am thinking of doing some ‘discussion’ type posts...
by Sybil | Aug 13, 2006 | Guests and Events, Quacking About |
Tweet Your first book was published in 1984 and the zebra site says you have 18 historical romances, 3 short stories, and 1 novella. I so thought I counted more on your site. In your over 20 years in publishing you have stayed with Zebra. That seems amazing,...