DDS REVIEW: The Pleasure Wars by Jess Michaels

Tweet Stevie’s Duckies Do Series review of The Pleasure Wars Series by Jess Michaels Historical Romance published by Samhain Publishing, Ltd. July 2013 – June 2014 Maybe it’s something to do with being a child of the ’70s and ’80s, but I...

DUCK FLASH: Romance in Georgia

Tweet This just in… Those of you living in Georgia and surrounding states get ready for a terrific weekend October 3-5 for the Moonlight and Magnolias Conference, featuring some great names in romance. ~ The conference is being held at the Hilton Atlanta...

Review: Everything Forbidden by Jess Michaels

Tweet Finn’s review of Everything Forbidden by Jess Michaels Historical erotic romance released by Avon Red 30 Oct 07 Talk about HOT! I really enjoyed this book. Naughty little Miranda Albright has watched her neighbor, Ethan Earl of Rothschild, as he fornicated with...