REVIEW: A Wedding Tail by Casey Griffin

Tweet Sandy M’s review of A Wedding Tail (Rescue Dog, Book 3) by Casey Griffin Contemporary Romance published by St. Martin’s Paperbacks 1 Aug 17 Coming off a slight reading slump in which too many books couldn’t hold my attention, and in between my...

REVIEW: Dating the Undead by Juliet Lyons

Tweet Sammy’s review of Dating the Undead (Undead Dating Service, Book 1)  by Juliet Lyons Paranormal Romance published by Sourcebooks Casablanca 02 May 17 I have been on a Vampire book binge lately. This book looked promising and I have never read this author....

REVIEW: The Hero by Donna Grant

Tweet Sammy’s review of The Hero (Sons of Texas, Book 1) by Donna Grant Romantic Suspense published by St. Martin’s Paperbacks 06 Dec 16 Romantic suspense holds a very special place in my book reader heart. Some of my comfort reads are written by Suzanne...

REVIEW: Wicked Cowboy Charm by Carolyn Brown

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Wicked Cowboy Charm (Lucky Penny Ranch, Book 4) by Carolyn Brown Contemporary Romance published by Forever 31 Jan 17 It’s been a couple of years or so since I’ve read Carolyn Brown. While I like her idea of cowboys and the...

REVIEW: Everything for Her by Alexa Riley

Tweet Shannon C’s review of Everything for Her by Alexa Riley Contemporary romance published by Carina Press on 27 Dec 16 I should have known better. A few weeks back on Twitter, I asked Sybil to recommend Harlequin lines I should be reading. Somewhere in that...