by Sandy M | Sep 15, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet If you’re a paranormal fan like me, you have to be anticipating reading this anthology as much as I am right now. There have been a number of such anthologies released over the last few years, but none have gone the extra distance this particular one is...
by Sandy M | Sep 15, 2011 | Guests and Events |
Tweet Entangled: How It Began Our anthology started last April with a casual mention to Misty Evans in an email that I’d like to do an anthology. I didn’t mean right now. I was thinking some day. Misty emailed me back and said, “Let’s do it!” I...
by Ash | Sep 15, 2011 | Review |
Tweet Ash’s review of Entangled by Cynthia Eden, Jennifer Estep, Edie Ramer, Lori Brighton, Michelle Diener, Misty Evans, Nancy Haddock, Liz Kreger, Dale Mayer, Michelle Miles, and Allison Brennan Paranormal romance anthology ebook published by Authors4theCure...
by Sandy M | Sep 12, 2011 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet This just in… Eleven of your favorite authors have released today their Entangled anthology to support breast cancer research with their writing. Now it’s your turn. ~ Authors4theCure is donating all proceeds from the sale of their paranormal...
by Sandy M | Sep 5, 2011 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet This just in… Eleven authors have banded together to support breast cancer research with their writing. Authors4theCure, which includes award-winning and New York Times bestselling authors, as well as two breast cancer survivors, is donating proceeds from...