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Book CoverEntangled: How It Began

Our anthology started last April with a casual mention to Misty Evans in an email that I’d like to do an anthology. I didn’t mean right now. I was thinking some day. Misty emailed me back and said, “Let’s do it!” I said,”Okay.” After that, it all came together in a few emails. We both write paranormal romance, so paranormal was a given. I’m a breast cancer survivor and a close friend of mine is in a battle with it, so that was another given. Because October is Breast Cancer Month, Misty chose the Halloween theme to unify the stories. Then we started sending out invites. To our absolute joy, almost everyone we asked said yes.

What’s amazing to me is how smoothly this went. As I received the stories, one after another they all wowed me. The only hair-pulling problem we had was with formatting, and that was because of incompatible computers. (Who knew that could happen?) Lori Devoti ended up formatting the book twice. And Laura Morrigan created the gorgeous cover that almost everyone comments on. I feel as if this book was blessed.

I do think that what we’re doing is going to make a difference. And I know that people will enjoy the stories. For only $2.99, readers will get ten amazing stories and one fantastic novella. And they get to help cure cancer. I feel so proud of this, and so grateful to the other writers, to Lori Devoti and Laura Morrigan, and to everyone who’s helping to get the word out.