Review: Daddy on Call by Judy Duarte

Tweet Devon’s review of Daddy on Call by Judy Duarte Contemporary Romance released by Silhouette Special Edition 1 Apr 07 Okay, so the title and cover of this book are pretty much the reason so many people scoff at Harlequins. But the blurb called to that part...

Review: Anchor and Storm by Kate Poole

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Anchor and Storm by Kate Poole Historical erotic romance released by Ellora’s Cave on 4 April 07 Laughter, romance, tears, tenderness, and a little eroticism and you have yourself one comletely satisfying book. I’m so glad I...

Reviews: Six books somewhere between Love and Hate

Tweet Gwen Reviews some truly bad, or truly so-so, books Various types of romances from three different publishers As most of you bloggers know, writing a review post is a labor of love.  It’s time-consuming and requires no small effort.  It’s a true...

Review: The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt

Tweet Gwen’s review of The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt Historical romance published 1 Apr 2007 by Warner Forever This historical romance is set in the 1760’s, primarily in Yorkshire, England and a wee bit in London. The hero is an everyman named Harry...