REVIEW: Bitten by Cupid by Sands, Palmer, and Rush

Tweet Lawson’s review of Bitten by Cupid by Lynsay Sands, Pamela Palmer and Jaime Rush Paranormal Anthology released by Avon 12 Jan 10 Obviously I’m a sucker for Lynsay Sands. When Syb handed me this book, I snapped it up. I get a lot of the historical...

REVIEW: Laced With Desire by Jaci Burton and others

Tweet Limecello’s review of Laced With Desire by Jaci Burton, Jasmine Haynes, Joey W. Hill, Denise Rossetti Erotic romance anthology released by Berkley Trade 2 Feb 10 I read Unlaced, which is the book before this one, and enjoyed it. I really liked Laced with...