REVIEW: Inhuman Resources (OSI, Book 3) by Jes Battis

Tweet Liviania’s review of Inhuman Resources (OSI, Book 3) by Jes Battis Urban fantasy released by Ace 25 May 2010 I’ve seen the OSI (Occult Special Investigator) novels on shelves and on blogs, but Inhuman Resources is the first book in the series I’ve actually...

REVIEW: As Lie the Dead by Kelly Meding

Tweet Ash’s review of As Lie the Dead (Dreg City Series Book 2) by Kelly Meding Urban Fantasy released by Dell 27 JUL 2010 Kelly Meding continues to make me a happy reader, and once again I couldn’t put her book down until I finished it. The one thing I...

REVIEW: A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James

Tweet C2’s review of A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James. Historical romance, released  by Avon 27 July 2010 The story of Cinderella is the jumping-off point for Eloisa James’ latest book, A Kiss at Midnight.  All the elements are there, if slightly altered.  We...