REVIEW: All or Nothing by Dee Tenorio

Tweet Sandy M’s review of All or Nothing (The Lonnigans, Book 2) by Dee Tenorio Contemporary Romance ebook published by Samhain 27 Jul 10 I’ve had a couple of second books of a series outshining the first lately. All or Nothing is in that category for me....

REVIEW: Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran

Tweet Liviania’s review of Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran Historical romance released by Pocket 27 April 2010 Meredith Duran’s first novel came out around the time I began seriously following romance blogs.  Since I’ve heard a number of good things about...

REVIEW: Mia and the Powerful Greek by Michelle Reid

Tweet LynneC‘s review of Mia and the Powerful Greek by Michelle Reid Category novel released by Mills and Boon Modern/Harlequin Presents July 10 Like many prolific Harlequin writers, Michelle Reid is sometimes great, and sometimes not so great. For me, this was...