REVIEW: The Demon in Me by Michelle Rowen

Tweet Ash’s review of The Demon in Me (Living in Eden Series, Book 1) by Michelle Rowen Paranormal Romance published by Berkley 04 May 10 I never paid this series much attention, thinking I wouldn’t like it, but it turns out I was completely wrong....

REVIEW: His Christmas Pleasure by Cathy Maxwell

Tweet Sandy M’s review of His Christmas Pleasure by Cathy Maxwell Historical Romance published by Avon 30 Nov 10 What a delightful read this is. From the first meeting of the hero and heroine through their marriage of convenience and watching their love blossom,...

REVIEW: Haunted by Your Touch by Frost, Kohler and Black

Tweet Ash’s review of Haunted by Your Touch by Jeaniene Frost, Sharie Kohler & Shayla Black Paranormal Romance published by Pocket 26 Oct 10 I’ve been really looking forward to this anthology. It has two authors I really like, Jeaniene Frost and Shayla...

REVIEW: The Christmas Knight by Michele Sinclair

Tweet Sandy M’s review of The Christmas Knight by Michele Sinclair Historical Romance published by Zebra 1 Oct 10 Michele Sinclair has created one of those romantic couples that I just love to read. A scarred hero who has buried his feelings and emotions so deep...

REVIEW: Taken By Desire by Lavinia Kent

Tweet LynneC’s review of Taken By Desire by Lavinia Kent Historical Romance published by Avon 30 Nov 10 I received this book as a galley. When that happens, I feel obliged to review the book, otherwise I would have quietly put it aside and not mentioned it. I am...