They say it’s your birthday

Tweet well was anyway… Happy Belated Birthday! Samhain Publishing is over a year old and it seems just like yesterday… To celebrate go buy a book! Devil’s Kiss by Brenda Williamson U.S. Marshal Jack McCay tracks outlaws for a profession and...

Fuck me gently with a chainsaw

Tweet J.D.: The extreme always seems to make an impression. Of course it started with… Tara Marie leading my drugged self over to RtB a few days ago (well longer now). And since the first thing I thought of when I saw the post was Heathers, I sqqquuueee when I...

Publisher Note….

Tweet Publisher Note: The Experiment was previously released elsewhere as a free story. It has been revised and expanded….. This is a note I have seen on more than a few ebooks lately. The Bounty, a recent read, was just release by Samhain after being edited and...

Quick Recap

Tweet Hell on Wheels by Karen Kelley- check Ask for It by Sylvia Day – Check Elements Unbound by Lorie O’Clare – check My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys By Teres Bodwell, Lorraine Heath and Georgina Gentry – check and a two stories left to...