Reach fer the sky! ‘Cause you WON!

Tweet We have a winner for Beth Williamson’s Guest Author Day contest! Sula Congratulations!!!  You have won an ebook of any of the Malloy Family series.  Enjoy the book!  Please send an email to Sybil at redwyne @ redwyne . com (minus the spaces) for...

Save a Horse…

Tweet Ride a Cowboy Beth Williamson will be joining us on blog today to celebrate the e release of Devils on Horseback: Nate!! Beth is a personal fave of mine and is currently writing for Samhain. And if you haven’t noticed…. she writes westerns. WoOT! Ok...

Letters from CampRT: Angela James

Tweet So I’m at RT and I haven’t even blogged on my own blog. But I get this email from Sybil saying “send me a letter”. Being a good friend and ever obedient, I immediately started typing this one out. Did I mention I haven’t even blogged on my own...

Beware the Missed Books of March

Tweet Second Look Books or Huh What? Where did those come from books… March:  How to Abduct a Highland Lord by Karen Hawkins This is Karen’s first book with Pocket. I always think it is nifty to check out an author when they go to a new publisher. Now you...