Darkening a Contest

Tweet Robin is giving away a signed copy of Immortals: The Darkening AND an ARC of my upcoming Night Slayer story – Lord of the Night. hmmmm that comes out in December so I guess I should ask if she has it NOW or if the winner will have to wait… How to enter...

Robin T. Popp: Poppin a Challenge

Tweet I’m sure that by now everyone’s had a chance to read Jennifer Ashley’s blog and is familiar with the Immortals’ storyline – five immortal brothers, born of a human father and some aspect of the mother goddess, called upon by the Coven of Light...

Need Another Reason to Sin?

Tweet A Reason to Sin by Maureen McKade **March 2008** Rebecca Glory Bowen Colfax was out of options. Which is how she wound up working at the Scarlet Garter in Oaktree, Kansas as a singer and hurdy-gurdy girl, trying to scrape together enough money to get her son...