A Reason to Sin
A Reason to Sin by Maureen McKade
**March 2008**

Rebecca Glory Bowen Colfax was out of options. Which is how she wound up working at the Scarlet Garter in Oaktree, Kansas as a singer and hurdy-gurdy girl, trying to scrape together enough money to get her son back. At the saloon, she reveals nothing of herself, not even her real name. She doesn’t want anyone to know her secrets—especially not sexy Slater Forrester, a faro dealer and ex-spy who’s clearly haunted by something in his own past. But when violence bursts through the saloon’s doors, she discovers a dangerously appealing side to Slater, a side she finds hard to resist. But how will the man she’s falling for react when he uncovers the secrets she’s keeping?

What do you think? You like? I wish they had been able to come up with their theme or concept or whatever the heck you want to call it with the first book because A Reason to Live doesn’t ‘fit’ as well as the covers for Believe and Sin.

But it is all good. It grows on you. I think the whole woman’s leg thing doesn’t sell as well as men’s abs (see gwen for more info) but the headless thing seems to do well. I don’t like the way the guy is dressed. But I am guessing that goes with being faro dealer. Maybe?

If you missed Maureen’s guest day you can find all of her posts for A REASON TO BELIEVE here. Or you can find all Maureen McKade posts here. Ok that is prolly a lie but I am working on it and the idea is that at some point everything will be tagged correctly.