by Sandy M | Nov 15, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet If you’ve been reading Grace Burrowe‘s Duke’s Obsession series, you know how much the youngest son, Valentine, loves his music. It moves through him in every aspect of his life; he uses it to help those around him when needed, and it does help...
by Sandy M | Nov 8, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet Isn’t it wonderful when a book and its cover actually mesh perfectly? IMHO, I think that’s happened with Amanda Forester‘s latest, The Highlander’s Heart. And when an author entertains you with a sassy heroine and a very patient hero,...
by Sandy M | Nov 1, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet A hero who thinks he has no gentleness in him. He saves lives with no thought to his own. No mission is too dangerous. He does what it takes, no matter what. When he meets his heroine, Becca, all those things he knows about himself change – completely....
by Sandy M | Oct 27, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet Family. Hope. Faith. Survival. Love in the most unexpected places. Heart-warming romance with strong characters who carry on despite whatever the harshness of the old west throws at them, who grab happiness with both hands when life looks bleak. If you’ve...
by Sandy M | Sep 21, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet I wonder if anyone, especially the women, at the Texas Department of Transportation has secretly read Christie Craig‘s latest book, after the hullabaloo they generated with their crazy lawsuit over the title of the book. I mean, most of those employees...
by Sandy M | Sep 15, 2011 | Excerpt |
Tweet To add to the fun of this day, we’re going to be giving away some copies of Entangled. So if you’ve been following our posts throughout the day, you’ve made it this far to find out how to win! A meaningful comment or question left on Liz...