Meljean and Missy Ride a Horse

Tweet MELJEAN: So. We’re back. *kicks toe in dirt* MISSY: Yeah, and all that time in the closet helped me figure it out. You’re just a soft-hearted weenie! MELJEAN: I am not! MISSY: Yes, you are. There we are, reading IRISH THOROUGHBRED, and you’re all, “I...

The Demon Moon Soundtrack

Tweet I always have a list of songs that I burn to a CD to play in my car while I’m working on a book. For Demon Moon, the soundtrack started out with a few songs from the Demon Angel soundtrack that I thought really carried over the *feel* of the series, like The...

Missy Reads A Book With Horsies Horses In It

Tweet So, you’re probably wondering, who the hell is Missy? Regular readers of my blog are familiar with her — she’s my inner child. Or rather, the child I used to be … the child who snuck into my grandma’s shelves full of Harlequins and Silhouettes when I...