REVIEW: Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton

Tweet Gwen’s review of Divine Misdemeanors (Meredith Gentry, Book 8 ) by Laurell K. Hamilton Urban fantasy hardcover released by Ballantine 8 Dec 09 Laurell K. Hamilton’s Merry Gentry novels typically revolve around the politics of the Unseelie Court.  A...

REVIEW: Vampire Sunrise by Carole N. Douglas

Tweet Gwen’s review of Vampire Sunrise (Delilah Street, Book 3) by Carole Nelson Douglas Urban fantasy released by Pocket 24 Nov 09 I’m a huge fan of urban fantasy.  I love it when authors cut loose and create a whole new reality that’s only loosely...

REVIEW: Born of Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tweet Gwen’s review of Born of Night (The League, Book 1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Sci-fi romance released by St. Martin’s 29 Sep 09 This is one of the first books written by Kenyon, early in her career and pre-Dark Hunters.  You can see quite a bit of her...

REVIEW: Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh

Tweet Gwen’s review of Blaze of Memory (Psy-Changeling Series, Book 7) by Nalini Singh Futuristic paranormal romance released by Berkley 3 Nov 09 At this point, I’ll sound like a broken record I’ve said this so much.  Nevertheless, I’ll say it...

THE POND: The FTC and Other Quackery…

Tweet So here’s the deal with all this review blog stuff.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has decided that blogs and other similar opinion websites should disclose when a reviewed item has been supplied by the manufacturer/vendor/seller/etc., or when a...