REVIEW: Flirt by Laurell K. Hamilton

Tweet Gwen’s review of Flirt (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, Book 18) by Laurell K. Hamilton Urban fantasy hardcover released by Berkley 2 Feb 10 Fans of Hamilton’s Anita Blake novels will love this short side entry.  This is a novel-length short story in the...

REVIEW: Archangel’s Kiss by Nalini Singh

Tweet Gwen’s review of Archangel’s Kiss (Guild Hunters, Book 2) by Nalini Singh Paranormal/fantasy romance released by Berkley 2 Feb 10 This is the second book in the Guild Hunters saga and the third story.  (Singh released a standalone novella in the Must...

PONDERING: Life’s long, strange ride

Tweet I’ve been incognito of late.  I haven’t talked to you good folks in a while so I crawled out of my hole to have a whine and whinge, and to see how many of you are in the same situation. It’s the start of a new year – a year I know will...

REVIEW: Bound to Shadows by Keri Arthur

Tweet Gwen’s review of Bound to Shadows (Riley Jensen, Book 8 ) by Keri Arthur Urban Fantasy released by Dell 27 Oct 09 It’s been a while since I read and reviewed one of the Riley Jensen books.  Have I told you lately how much I love this series?  Well, I...

REVIEW: Never Romance a Rake by Liz Carlyle

Tweet Gwen’s review of Never Romance a Rake (Neville Family Trilogy, Book 3) by Liz Carlyle Historical romance released by Pocket 22 Jul 08 I enjoy breaking up my urban fantasy and contemporary reading with a nice, refreshing historical.  I tend to the...