by Gwen | Nov 2, 2007 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Caressed by Ice (Psy-Changelings Book 3) by Nalini Singh Paranormal romance released by Berkley Sensation 4 Sep 07 This is the first of Singh’s Psy-Changlings books that I’ve read. I think I have Book 2 in my TBR and...
by Gwen | Oct 31, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet Christine Warren shares some bounty with TGTBTU’s readers. Her new book, Howl at the Moon, comes out tomorrow.  Here’s the book blurb: Noah Baker never wanted to betray The Others. But if his military commanders want him to covertly investigate...
by Gwen | Oct 31, 2007 | Uncategorized |
Tweet For Halloween, I want to be a… Doesn’t everyone? Think of the perks – the pointy hat with the veil on the end (haven’t you always wanted one of those?); the floaty dresses made of satin and velvet and brocade; staff to schlep the dry...
by Gwen | Oct 30, 2007 | Guests and Events, Quacking About |
Tweet Okay, so these are true stories. Honest. I’m from a long line of Englishmen and Irishmen. I believe in ghosties and things that can’t be seen. Otherwise, life would be no fun. — When I was very young we had a neighbor who had a serious drinking...
by Gwen | Oct 29, 2007 | Guests and Events, Quacking About |
Tweet If you’re looking for a classic horror film for the Halloween mood, you don’t have to wait for one to play on SciFi channel, many public domain movies are available online, and you can either watch them at your computer, or download them to a mobile...