by Gwen | Feb 1, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Mine to Possess (Psy-Changelings, Book 4) by Nalini Singh Futuristic paranormal romance published 5 Feb 08 by Berkley The most difficult thing I’ve done all week is not read the other reviews of this book. I wanted my review to be...
by Gwen | Jan 31, 2008 | Quacking About |
Tweet There’s an excerpt of the new comic book Lords of Avalon: Sword of Darkness up on Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Myspace page. So go have a peek – it looks just terrific. It comes out next week. In a world where Camelot is ruled by Lord Kerrigan, the...
by Gwen | Jan 29, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet As is evidenced by our politicians, the malapropism and the pun are true art forms, as well as timing gold. You say it and it takes a beat for the listener to do one of three things: (1) chuckle; (2) groan; or (3) give you a dirty look. A pun almost never gets...
by Gwen | Jan 28, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Kiss of Fire (Dragonfire, Book 1) by Deborah Cooke Contemporary paranormal romance released 5 Feb 08 by Signet This is the first of a much anticipated series from Cooke centered on Dragons and their mates. It’s full of fantasy,...
by Gwen | Jan 23, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Dawn’s Awakening (The Breeds, Book 4) by Lora Leigh Futuristic paranormal romance released 5 Feb 08 by Berkley Leigh’s Breed series is a peek into a world where human/predator eugenisis is a reality and this bioengineering of...