Cathy writes: Yeah – Brent has to do as I say 🙂
Brent writes: But she pays for it after 🙂

But seriously, we have different strengths. Cathy is better at dialogue and emotional stuff, whereas Brent is better at descriptions. Cathy is a hopeless world-builder – her worlds always get mixed up, so Brent is currently working on sorting out the mess that she has made of a Victorian-era paranormal we are working on. Writing can be a very isolating job – so having someone to talk to about what you are doing makes it all so much more fun and less like hard work.


Cathy has a huge pile of books sitting next to her bed that Brent grumbles about every so often. But his pile is very nearly as big!

Cathy writes: Brent and I have very different reading tastes. I tend to read out of the romance genre a lot – I’ve just finished Kazuo Ishiguro’s NEVER LET ME GO, and before then I was reading KAFKA ON THE SHORE by Haruki Murakami – one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Strange books, both of them, with very romantic elements, but definitely not what you would call a romance.

I tend to buy my romances as ebooks so I can read them easily on the train. I love Michelle Pillow’s books, and Eloisa James – I’m a sucker for anything historical or historical/fantasy. It can be difficult getting hold of all the latest releases in paperback over on this side of the world, not to mention that postage is horribly expensive, so I wait with bated breath until my favorite authors come out in ebook format.

I will read everything except for horror novels – they are the only thing I won’t touch.

Reading widely keeps me fresh – I look forward to reading romance novels as part of my overall reading diet.

Brent writes: Yes, we have different reading tastes. Cathy is more voracious than me, which means she takes up more room on our bookshelves. I lend her some of my space in return for favors 😉 I have quite eclectic tastes, I love the writing of Louis De Bernieres and the sci-fi of Greg Bear.

I also like to read non-fiction tales of the ocean, ranging from marine biology (I’m a fan of nudibranchs – look them up!) to shipwrecks.