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The Obedient Bride (Signet Regency Romance)Sybil’s review of The Obedient Bride by Mary Balogh
Historical Romance published by Signet 6 Jun 89

I have to say I wouldn’t have read this book if not for two things – the review at AAR and I like Mary Balogh’s writing.

I have a real hard time with cheating. Now, it doesn’t bother me if it is before the hero meets the heroine. I can get past it if it is before they are sexually involved. But once the main characters are having sex, the whole mistress thing pisses me off.

I don’t read romance novels because I want to read about real life. For that I will watch Oprah. (kidding) I don’t mind angst and drama – as long as I get my HEA. But leave out the cheating, damn it.

That aside, I like this book. Really… I like how she handled him being a creep and keeping a mistress. I even like that he went back to screw the woman again, after the big ‘omg you are cheating on me?’ scene. I like it even more that he didn’t (couldn’t) have sex with Ginny. I did think the mistress threatening him was a little over the top. She had to know her ‘place’ and if he wanted to, I dare say he could fuck her over much better than she could have him. But I took it as a ‘heat of the moment’ type thing to say.

I was very happy that it didn’t just wrap up – dump mistress – make love to wife – hea all in the last two pages. The way he informed Arabella of Ginny’s need for new employment was smooth and the one-bed house party was perfect.

It is a great book. If you can find a copy, buy it. Hell, buy it even if you don’t want to read it. It is one damn hard book to come by.

sl_thumbnail.jpgGrade: A


Furious when she discovers that her husband, the Viscount Astor, keeps a mistress, young Arabella is determined to have the rogue’s heart as well as his hand