If you are a victim of murder, aren’t you dead?
And if you are dead, you have no memories of dying, right? We aren’t touching paranormal stuff. Just plain ol dead dead. Or if you saw a murder, would that count as being a victim of murder?
just wondering…
Huh. I guess I’m confused. LOL
Are you saying like if someone is killed, then they’re dead? Cuz, yeah, that’s what I always thought. LOL
the lines was something like…
A victim of rape or murder… It was talking about memories being hardwired into the brain or something. And where I can understand the memory of rape but you can’t have memories of being the victim of murder.
Unless that means seeing a murder but the way it is worded didn’t seem like that could be the point.
LOL really it was one line in The Player by Rhonda Nelson that just stopped me.
It wasn’t enough to make me hate the book or anything, and really I did like it but the focus that one line my brain grabbed onto amused me.
LMAO! I’ve done that before, seen a line and spent the whole rest of the book shaking my head over it.
Rape? That makes sense. Seeing a murder? Ok, I get that. But Murder VICTIM? Nope, that just confuses me. LOL Unless said person was a ghost?? ha ha
I was the victim of murder once. It really pissed me off.