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hh-spotlight-logo.jpgby Georgina Devon

Thank you, Sybil, for inviting me to participate in your Harlequin Historical spotlight. I’m really excited by this opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects – Regency England.

BetrayalBetrayal, my July 2008 release, is the third and final book about the St. Simon brothers. Deverell, the youngest brother fights at Waterloo and is wounded. Pippa LeClaire finds him on the battlefield while searching for her lost twin, Phillip.

The idea to open BETRAYAL at Waterloo came to me while doing general research (one of my favorite pastimes).

Carolly Erickson’s book Our Tempestuous Day talks about the battle and it’s aftermath. What struck me particularly was the fate of Frederick Ponsonby (Lady Caroline Lamb’s brother). Ponsonby was injured in both arms, had a lance driven through his lungs, was ridden over by horses as the battle raged around him and laid on the battlefield wounded and near death for eighteen hours – and he survived to write his story! I was caught.

Next, I went to John Fisher’s book, 1815:An End and A Beginning to research the actually field conditions and military layout for Waterloo. It was also a great source for Wellington.

From this information, I built my prologue and opening chapters. Pippa finds a wounded Deverell while searching for her beloved twin. Neither realize that later Wellington will order Deverell to find Phillip LeClaire, a suspected spy for France, and bring the traitor to justice. Even as Dev falls in love with Pippa, he knows his honor will demand that he betray her.

BETRAYAL was great fun to write. Not to mention the research!

Along the lines of research, who better to help than the readers? Tell me, what are the top three things are that you look for in a romance? And I will pick someone from the comments to win a citrine and silver pendant for Her Rebel Lord and an autographed copy of the British issue of BETRAYAL.