Book Cover Please welcome our Guest Author, Shannon McKenna – author of the upcoming Edge of Midnight.


 Hello to everyone, and thanks, Sybil, for inviting me to participate on your blog today! I’m honored to be here.

EDGE OF MIDNIGHT comes out at the end of the month, and I’m so excited! It’s been a long time coming, although to be truthful, it was the very first single title romantic suspense idea I ever had, even before BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. I had a huge, thick sheaf of notes on it, it was tentatively entitled with a dorky clunky, title, FIRESTORM, I think, (all my titles get nixed by my publisher, and a good thing, too—I suck at titles) and then, whoosh, BCD came along and elbowed it right out of my head, my computer, my life. I believe this was because the BCD hero, Seth Mackey, is just that way. Rude and obtrusive. He pushed everything out of his way (or into it, in the heroine’s case). And then the McCloud brothers just sort of waltzed into Seth’s story and became real in my head, and Sean himself began to take form, in the fringes of the next few stories.

I think I left him for later partly because he was the youngest, and for God’s sake, it takes so long to write these books! Time passes, the clock ticks, those poor guys were getting older! They have to get on with it and find their ladies! But I also waited because he was such a mystery to me, and I was afraid to mess it up. I wanted to discover him slowly, not to muscle him into a story and try to make him behave. He was such a clown, but I knew it was probably just a front, and that he would end up being more complex than I would ever expect, what with his troubled childhood, and his twin being killed, and all that bad business.

But people have been asking for him for six long years! It’s about time!

The process of writing these books is still and always an agonizing mystery to me. The level of suffering and doubt remains constant throughout the process, although the reasons for suffering mutate and change in the course of the book. In the beginning, it’s the classic Terror of the Blank Page, the horrible fear that this time it will be a huge dud and everyone will be disappointed and hate my guts, and the pages that creep out are dull, stupid, boring, dead sounding clunkers, blah blah blah, you get my drift. This tedious anxiety goes on for months, until the deadline starts to loom like a fire breathing dragon.

And then—and only then—the story starts to squeeze out of me. Then, right before or even some time after the deadline, it’s like a flash flood of bubbling ideas, cross-pollination of plot points, subplots sewing themselves up as if by magic, dialog pouring out, characters coming to life and surprising me—all of that is a wonderful and exciting period, if it wasn’t for the price I pay on the home front. Which is to say, the dirty house, the buzzing insomnia, the burned dinner, the piles of dirty laundry, the angry toddler who feels abandoned, the uncomfortable feeling of not having exercised my body for two months . . . it’s bad. Painful.

Badalato, Calabria - So. ItalyAnd having said all that, I know it’s a strange, inexplicable contradiction, but I still love my job, and I am still amazed and grateful that I can earn a living this way. As they say here in Southern Italy, I “kiss the feet of the Madonna,” even though I’m not Catholic. Hey, the Madonna is great. I’ll kiss ’em anyway. She looks nice—I’m sure she doesn’t mind.

Oh, how I wish, though, that I could figure out a steadier, more plodding, workaday method of making the books come out. But would it work? Even if I did manage to make people leave me alone for six hours a day, or even, God help me, four? Or three? Could I arrive at my deadlines with a finished product with less desperation, fear, dread, stress, etc? In Stephen King’s book On Writing (King is my hero, by the way, or one of them) he says he sits down in the morning and doesn’t stop till he’s written two thousand words. Wow. Bully for him. If only.

I’m experiencing a lot of uncertainty about what comes next in my writing career. I did just finish Nick Ward’s story, entitled EXTREME DANGER (out next February, I believe!) and then I have one book left to write before this contract ends and the Great Unknown opens wide before me. I’ve left a lot of doors open; for instance, I’ve got a bunch of brothers and a sister for Zan Duncan, the hero of HOT NIGHT, so that’s another possible series to develop. And I’m currently writing a romantic suspense novella for the Bad Boys series which features Robin MacNamara as the heroine, the little sister of “Mac,” the hero of my novella “Meltdown.”

There’s another brother in that MacNamara family, Danny, who now desperately needs his own novella. I feel responsibility for his happiness! Plus, people often ask me about the mysterious Tamara, who I would love to write about, except that she’s such a soiled dove, I get a really dubious response from my editors about the possibility of proposing her as a romantic heroine. She’s been around the block a few too many times for their tastes. And I understand that. But damn. I like her. She intrigues me. Ah, well. We’ll see.

But my secret dream would be to try my hand at fantasy adventure romance. A few years ago, I got a fun, sexy idea for one, and it’s been buzzing and niggling at the back of my mind ever since.

But hey. The romantic suspense thing is working out for me right now, and like anything else in life, it’s scary to contemplate making a big change, and messing with my good thing. If I could just work on it without a deadline (hah! When have I ever written a word without a deadline?) or in my free time (hah! What frigging free time?) then maybe . . . just maybe . . . oh, enough griping. Life is good, no matter what.

I guess what I have just revealed to all the embarrassing truth that I have no idea where it’s all going. I take it from day to day, and from book to book, in total crisis mode. I have no master plan. I guess I need one. But a fantasy adventure romance with paranormal elements, or even a series like that . . . it’s my dream. I’m a huge fantasy buff myself. Cut my teeth on Tolkien, and in recent years have really adored Guy Gavriel Kay and Jacqueline Carey.

But we’ll see…


Thanks, Shannon!  Fellow readers – below is a list of Shannon’s releases. 

31 Jul 07 Book Cover, 1 Jul 07 Book Cover, Oct 06 Book Cover, Apr 06 Book Cover, Jun 05 Book Cover, Mar 05 Book Cover, Aug 04 Book Cover, Oct 03 Book Cover, Nov 02 Book Cover, Oct 01 Book Cover