Liz MaverickBook Cover
The genres collide in WIRED and I couldn’t be happier about it.

A couple of things thing I really loved (I loved so many!) about writing the Crimson City series (futuristic multi-species romance) was the license to develop impossible, fantastical worlds and characters and make them feel completely possible and real, and then to delve deeply into the emotional sides of those characters.

The thing I loved best about writing chick lit (it seems like eons ago) was the rhythm of the dialogue and the wordplay. When snappy banter is done really well, it’s a word geek’s true delight. (Which is why I think Aaron Sorkin is a genius and if you don’t agree with me we’re going to have to take the argument outside. Heh.) It makes the chemistry between the characters who are talking just jump off the page (or the screen).
shomi logo
Those are the main reasons I loved writing this new style of romantic hybrid for Shomi. I was able to take the things I was best at and loved most about writing in two different genres (darker action romance vs lighter contemporary comedy) and channel them into one book.
Book Cover
It’s exciting being part of the launch of something really new, but it’s also a little scary. Marianne, Eve and I have been on a mission to explain the new line and our books. In fact, while Eve went off to Book Expo Canada to spread the word, Marianne and I hit BEA in New York. We spoke to tons of supportive booksellers and readers about Shomi and then investigated the rest of the convention to see what else was lighting up the literary scene. You can check out a fun little video Marianne and I whipped up about who we met on the floor. (Look for the large green parrot. Not kidding.)

Our next stop will be the Romance Writers of American national conference and after that we switch over to the science fiction world and head to Comic Con. This year we’re keeping our video camera in tow. So definitely stop by to keep tabs on our progress with this project. And if you’re near one of these events, definitely come say hi and raise some hell. Hope you enjoy reading WIRED!