I found this oddly fitting after the happenings over the last few days. I will say and have said until I am blue in the face, reposting private information is never the way to go. And I can think of very few reasons I would think it is ever ok.

If you HAVE to use someone else’s words to report on news, you shouldn’t be reporting news. Two wrongs don’t make a right but we should always keep in mind the internet is a big place. What you think may be private, may not be. Where you send something, could be routed wrong, with no blame at all on the sender. So really, everyone should keep in mind that whatever you throw out on the net could very well pop up later when you least expect it.

Retro Post: November 14, 2006

As a rule I try to never trash a book or a person. It generally isn’t my style. I rant. I rave. I have strong opinions and I think many actions of many people are stupid. But thinking the actions of a person aren’t the brightest thing, disagreeing with them or not liking their book is a far cry from trashing, bashing, harassing or whatever.

Oh course I have my moments… I can be a bitch. And most of the time I am very unapologetic about it. Although I am happy to admit when I am wrong. I dislike many people and many more dislike me. I dislike many a book and there are many more I like. I tend to think of myself as one of those people who is killing romance as you want it (or at least kristie, jane, keishon and the like).

I am happy with the majority of what I am reading. In fact there are many I love and quite a few I know I shouldn’t. But what the fuck, I am cool with that and if you are still here I would assume you are too. Because no matter what I love or hate – I don’t expect you to have the same opinion nor would I ever, ever expect a anyone (friend or not) to only agree with me.

Yesterday I had someone I greatly respect tell me that my blog strikes a good balance. And that is what I aim for… I want authors to feel comfortable to post. I want readers to feel comfortable to post. And most of all I never want anyone to feel that they have to agree with me.

And I had another I greatly respect pretty much tell me I am unethical or at least I think that was her point.

After a great many emails, some thought and a few more emails from a many people I have come to the conclusion that:

Fair Use is your friend.

Anyone who criticizes people, their work, their actions or whatever the hell should be able to except criticism… aka if you can’t take the heat isn’t just advice for authors.

People who tell others to ‘behave like a grown up‘ should take their own advice.

Anything I post in a public place has a chance of being quoted elsewhere on the internet.

If someone disagrees with my opinion, they can still be my friend.

If you don’t want people discussing what you say or what you write – don’t put it on the internet and don’t publish it.

but most of all…


If you disagree with any of the above, do feel free to post and give your opinion. I am always open to listening to different views. And have even been known to change my mind and agree.

But may I suggest if any of the above bothers you to the point that you are close to cracking, losing your hold on reality or if you don’t understand that YOU are the only person responsible for YOUR actions…well then you should just…