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Book Cover Sandy M’s review of The Time Weaver (Drakon, Book 5) by Shana Abe
Paranormal Romance published by Bantam 20 May 2010

It’s obviously been a while since I’ve kept up with Shana Abe’s Drakon series. I’m not sure why I didn’t read this book back in 2010 when it hit the shelves, because I am a fan of the series. I’m glad, however, I finally got to it, and I definitely missed both her storytelling and her dragons. I like that these Drakon all have different powers aside from shifting into such beautiful and dangerous creatures. Honor Carlisle is the most intriguing yet among the dragons, with Alexandru a close second. Ms. Abe’s imagination is amazing and spectacular, as readers discover with each book in this incredible world. First off, I have to say that I did become confused here and there as Honor weaves through time. I have a feeling that happened for most who read this book, just because time travel is complicated if you’re reading a good story in which it’s used. And this story is beyond good. But I still came away in awe of it all at the very end.

Female Drakon cannot shift into smoke and then into dragon form, with few exceptions, but they are still dragons. They do, however, have other powers that make them formidable in their own right. Being a time weaver is quite rare, and as a youth Honor had difficulty controlling her traveling. It could pop her anywhere in time at any given point, giving her only a few seconds’ warning it was going to happen. As she’s gotten older, she learns more how to control her weaving, which is a very good thing when her older self begins to leave letters for her younger self as certain aspects of “their” life happen. That’s how Honor learns of Alexandru.

Alexandru is prince and alpha of Zaharen Yce, another faction of Drakon discovered by Honor’s clan, Darkfrith, and both sides want nothing to do with the other. Both have been in hiding, of course, for generations and have learned how to mix with humans by shifting into that form when necessary. I also like his ability to read between the lines when he studies someone’s handwriting. He always sees their inner-most yearnings, good or evil, and deals with the person as circumstances warrant. Alexandru is surprised over ensuing years when he receives unexpected visits from a traveling Honor. Little by little they get to know one another, no matter how long each visit may be; they know they are destined to be together.

In between all of this, though, we are given insights to the future through Lia, who we met in The Dream Thief with her mortal husband Zane. Lia is the sister of the Darkfrith alpha, and she is that rare female who can shift into a dragon, as well as see into the future, and she’s one of very few who has refused to live with her kind and still live – secrecy is the only thing between the Drakon and extinction. She’s the one, along with Zane, who “kidnapped” Honor from Darkfrith when her visions told her Honor was in danger the longer she stayed there. Along with Lia’s looks at the future, we’re also told of horrible things that happen to all the Drakon in varying situations as Alexandru’s and Honor’s lives become more intwined, but we have no way of knowing if any of that will come to fruition. It keeps you on the edge of your seat when you’re left hanging after one of these passages, that’s for sure. The twists and turns come at you left and right in this book. Every time you think you know what’s going on, something else is thrown at you to show you you really don’t know anything at all.

I realize I’m not doing this book justice. So much happens in different times and places – there are even restrictions on Honor’s time traveling that make it even more interesting – and it’s not until the very end you find out which “reality” you’ve been introduced to will be what these characters will eventually live. What I can tell you, especially if you’re a fan of the series and for some reason haven’t read this book yet like me, don’t wait any longer. Ms. Abe will blow you away once again. If you’ve not read any of this series, you’re in for a treat once you begin, and I recommend quite highly that you begin soon. I have no idea if there’s more to come in this series, but I sure hope so. I’d like to see how she’s going to top this one.

sandym-iconGrade: A+


What if everything you loved, and everyone, suddenly vanished?

Your parents, your children, your friends. Your home. Your town. Your species.

Now, what if it were your doing? Your future unfurled before you like a map marked with a thick black arrow drawn irrevocably, relentlessly straight toward Extinction. You never knew. You never guessed, until the end. What would you sacrifice to erase that map?

Honor Carlisle is a figurative mouse among lions. At least, that’s how she sees herself: awkward, friendless, timid. Born into a tribe of fabulously powerful shapeshifters, she’s the one drákon who absolutely knows she will never be comfortable with own her kind. While the rest of her tribe celebrates their ferocity by Turning to dragon and soaring into flight, Honor hides in books and solitude, cursing her own fear but unable to break free of it. Until one day, she discovers a letter—from her future self. And suddenly her life is forever changed.

Honor is a Time Weaver, the only one born to the drákon.

She’s been blessed with the Gift of being able to Weave through time…whether she wants to or not. But the blessing is also a curse: she’s paying a terrible price for her Weaves, one she won’t even notice at first. Drawn through her Weaves over and over again to a dark drákon prince in a faraway land, Honor grows up gradually realizing that he is her future.

What she doesn’t realize is that falling in love with Prince Alexandru of the Zaharen will lead to the eventual annihilation of her species. Alexandru has no idea who this mysterious dragon-woman who haunts him may be, or even if she’s actually real. He doesn’t know her name, only that she appears and disappears throughout the hours of his life without warning, at times older, at times younger, and always a dangerously fascinating creature.

Their love is beyond magic, foretold and undeniable. But perhaps even time may be bent when two such remarkable drákon surrender to their hearts…

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

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