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Sandy M’s review of The Silence of Monsters (Monsters Duet, Book 1) by Jay Crownover
Contemporary Romance published by Jay Crownover 16 May 24

Just when you think you might know where this story is headed at any time throughout the book, Jay Crownover completely changes course and gives the reader exactly what they didn’t think the book would be….

Not the typical grumpy billionaire story.

Not the loving mother everyone longs for and needs in their life.

Not the family deaths that said families thought they knew about.

Not the enemies-to-lovers marriage and romance in most romances.

And so much more. This is one you have to read for yourself to understand all the subtle and not-so-subtle nuances of everything that goes on.

Win Halliday is the billionaire who gave up his dream to run the family business. Channing Harvey is his sister-in-law. They’ve been enemies since they first met. Their niece Winnie needs them both after the loss of her parents. Her grandmother is one evil bitch who manipulates something fierce, no matter who her victim is. Needing to slow his mother’s need for him to marry and come up with an heir, Win goes to Channing with an ultimatum – marry him or lose everything she holds dear. Hating the man for such tactics, Channing gives in while making Win understand he’d better back her up when it comes to his mother and her vitriol she spews about Channing’s family. Because look how it all ended for her sister.

As strange events begin to happen in the family mansion, even stranger still are the insights this couple come to realize about their history as well as their current married situation. I like those slow realizations and how it brings them together more and more against a common foe or two. And, of course, the fast burn between the sheets is wonderfully done, making more of those realizations for Win and Channing that much sweeter in the long run. As all the secrets and dastardly deeds done over the years come to light, it’s both appalling that someone could do such things and so satisfying when the comeuppance finally happens. The ending did take me by surprise, but it was the reaction by the author herself when she got there. But I’m willing to wait for more.

So very much happens in this story, both heart wrenching and exciting. Do give it a try. It’s a definite departure for Ms. Crownover, so why not take a chance too?

Grade: A


Win Halliday lives an extraordinary life

When he moves, the rest of the world moves with him. As the heir to the Halliday name and fortune, Win’s entire life has been carefully orchestrated from the moment he came into the world. He’s never been allowed to aspire for anything outside that plan, including love. After the tragedy that followed his younger brother chasing his foolish heart, the Halliday Matriarch insists on picking a bride that’s up to her outrageously high standards. Unfortunately, for all the eager bachelorettes, the only woman Win would ever consider marrying isn’t found anywhere on his mother’s list.

He’s got his eye on the exceptionally ordinary, Channing Harvey.

There’s so much history and hatred between the two of them, that a happily ever after is impossible. Win doesn’t need forever, he just needs to get his tyrannical mother off his back.

Channing’s not interested in his millions or his ridiculous contract marriage offer, but she’s about to learn that Win Halliday is relentless. This is the first decision Win has made with only himself in mind, and nothing’s going to stop him from getting what he wants.

They’re getting married, and God help whoever gets in Win’s way — including his very reluctant bride-to-be.

The only monsters found within this novel are of the human variety. But they’re still scary!

No excerpt available.