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Sandy M’s review of Hold Me (Cherry Blossom Lake, Book 3) by Tawna Fenske
Contemporary Romance published by Tawna Fenske 8 Mar 24

I’m thinking I have to retract my comments not too long ago that Try Me, the first book in the series, didn’t work for me. After reading this one, along with Book 2, Charm Me, I now imagine it was my mood or whatever was going on in life that kept me from enjoying that first story. The initial few chapters of this book kept me chuckling and laughing. Who knew hunting for razor clams could be so sexual – even when our Zoe doesn’t realize she’s already got her hooks into poor Cal, who doesn’t stand a chance now that his right woman has come along.

Throughout the series we’ve known Zoe has gone through hell when it comes to her health, but now she’s got a clean bill and is ready to live life. Her bucket list is growing by the minute, including getting rid of her V-card. The perfect candidate comes knocking on her door, Cal Cornish, a man who the women love, and he definitely gives some good lovin’! Or so Zoe has been told by lots of folks.

Cal has his own issues stemming from a horrible father who hit the skids when his wife died years before. Thus, all the lovin’ women for Cal – no decent parental guidance, so he ran free as he wished. But Zoe is different. Special. And he needs to stay away from her, as far as he can get. But fate has other plans for these two, and their chemistry is off the charts, as is their banter. Ms. Fenske outdoes herself with the humor between these two. At least until things get much more serious later on and they each share their story, their hurt, and their dreams. While we’ve known most of Zoe’s story throughout the series, we now get an emotional look into Cal’s, and we truly understand why his grandfather is so important to him.

I enjoyed seeing all the previous characters in the series again, finding out what they’re up to and how they look after Zoe. Even though she’s fairly innocent and naive, she keeps her head in most situations – sex excluded! – despite the fact she has no filter when it comes to whatever she wants or needs. Life is too short for anything else, and everyone, including the reader, learns a great lesson from her in that respect.

I’m glad I didn’t give up on this series as I thought about doing after the first book. I’ve had such fun with it over the last few weeks, and I am definitely looking forward to Book 4, Ask Me, when it releases in December. In fact, I’m now looking forward to however many books Ms. Fenske has planned for this series. Cherry Blossom Lake has become a favorite getaway for me.

Grade: A


Romeo. Boy Toy. Player. I’ve heard what they call me, and never gave it much thought.
Then Zoe walks in with her library smarts and innocent eyes and one helluva dirty idea.
I guess living in hospitals for two decades didn’t leave much time for dating.
Or any kind of fun, really.
Zoe’s a virgin with a bucket list, and guess who’s on it?
No way am I satisfying her desires.
She’s my boss’s little sister-in-law, and besides.
I’m maxed out with my sick dad and a secret I’m not ready to share.
I’ll help with the unsexy things on Zoe’s list.
Problem is, everything from a foul-mouthed pinball machine to my dopey dog keep conspiring to push us together.
Even cooking class and an oddly sexy oil change lead straight to temptation.
Girls like Zoe don’t end up with guys like me.
It’s basic math even this high school dropout can do.
So how come I can’t stay away?

No excerpt available.

Other books in this series: