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Book CoverVeena’s review of The Turning Tide (Crosspointe, Book 3) by Diana Pharoah Francis
Romantic Fantasy published by Bell Bridge Books 17 Dec 18

In my quest to get out of my comfort zone and given my love of a good fantasy, I picked this book up to read. WOW! A few page-turning hours later I took a deep breath and logged into Amazon to find more books by Diana Pharoah Francis. 

Three childhood friends stand at the cusp of time and nothing will ever be the same again for them. Fairlie is a master metalsmith who is found to have a rare talent that the crown will cross all boundaries to posses. Ryland is the royal prince bound to the crown to do his duty, even if that means the betrayal of all he holds dear, and Shaye is that rare individual who loves Fairlie and places her above all other lmajioyalties.

Shaye is a majicar who has yet to reach his full potential. He is also a Weverton, kin to the faction that opposes the crown. Knowing Shaye’s potential, the King imprisons Shaye in a room designed to smother his magic and prevent him from finding help. Shaye opens up his full potential and crosses all boundaries to release the constraints that once held his magic in check. Nothing and no one is going to stop him getting to Fairlie. Ryland now finds himself on the opposing side of his one best friends.  A consummate politician, will he harness a solution that will benefit the crown, even when all seems lost?

Fairlie is the one who is the center of the story. She holds all the attention as she deals with the hand she’s been dealt to find a way to win against all adversity. Supported by a fantastic cast of characters, the three friends, now enemies, will face challenges and come out stronger. I just could not put down this book, and the story is so different and compelling that it held me spellbound.

I didn’t realize this was one of a series and I just can’t wait to read the other books, as well as other works by this author.

Grade: A


Some dreams become nightmares . . .

An invasion is headed for Crosspointe, but three friends will find themselves at war long before the first enemy touches the shore.

One man will betray her.

Fairlie, a master metalsmith, is discovered to have a rare magical talent that could save Crosspointe from destruction. Against her will, she is forced to make a monstrous sacrifice. What happens next could tear the world apart.

One man will risk everything to save her

The future hangs in the balance. Everything depends on Fairlie. Driven to the edge of sanity and endurance, she must choose who will live and who will die.

One man will come face to face with his worst nightmare.

The enemy is coming to Crosspointe, but a worse one lurks within. As secrets get ripped open and truths are revealed, Crosspointe’s future looks ever bleaker.

Read an excerpt.