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Book CoverVeena’s review of Criminal (Breeder Cycle, Book 2) by K.B. Hoyle
Young Adult published by The Writers Coffee Shop 25 Aug 16 

I’m not a YA (young adult) fan, but author K.B. Hoyle captured my imagination with the first book in this series and the dystopian world that she’s created.  I dived into the next chapter in Pria’s story like an addict who’d been craving her next fix, only to find that the first part of the book does not deliver the pulse-pounding adrenaline high that I was expecting.  Once I worked past that momentary disappointment and persevered, I was more than rewarded by a story that once again caught me in its world and characters. Let’s not forget the pulse-pounding cliffhanger that will leave you hanging at the end.  Once again I am barely hanging at the edge of a cliff…As Pria’s life fills with choices, friends and emotions, her character is fleshed out much in the same way as a child growing into adulthood. She didn’t even know that in addition to choosing a first name, she could chose another name to mark her as an individual. The sense of freedom and completeness to a cog who had previously only known herself as B17 is breathtaking. As she learns to read, she pores through the book of names, sounding each one out and understanding that names have meaning, allowing her to pick the name that means rebirth.  This scene in the book will touch the reader’s heart in much the same way it touched hardened Bishop, who is her mentor.

Life at Asylum was not all friendship and roses, however. Pria’s friend and protector, Pax, is in prison for killing a man, albeit to save her, and the rest of the group who attacked her needs to be tried, their guilt or innocence determined by their peers. Each member of the assembly who attends the trial casts a stone in a very novel way to indicate their decision based on the evidence that is presented.  It’s much later that Pria, who has no concept of sexual relations, truly realizes the scope of what rape means and what it would have done to her emerging sense of freedom and self.  Her innocent and outspoken questions add a nice touch of humor in an otherwise fairly dark and disturbing story. I love her reaction to finally discovering what has the men blushing when she finally finds out what sexual relations between two people mean.

Pax continues to fascinate her, even as he holds her at arm’s length to her disgust and dismay. She even experiments kissing with Henri to see if it feels different. Life, however, continues and she ventures out to learn hunting with her new friends, only to run into danger and barely escape with her life. For the first time Pria is touched by death, which evokes several new emotions within.

Holly is an interesting new character who’s a welcome addition to the existing cast. Does she suspect Pax’s back story? Only time will tell. As a medical tech she’s had more freedom and more knowledge than Pria, so she brings an interesting middle-of-the-road contract to Pria’s other friend and roommate, Celine. Pria, of course, is front and center and once again ventures into the Denver Commune to prepare for the next chapter in the rebellion.  Along the way she gets a file of her history in Sanctuary. Will this prove to derail her from her purpose as Pax fears or will it make her stronger?

While the story started off a bit sluggish, I finished this book in a fever. From an episode in my life when I was trying to color outside the box where I found myself, I’ve found a new author and a new genre that I am very much enjoying.

Grade: A


Following the horrors she discovered in the basement of Sanctuary and her miraculous rescue at the end of Breeder, there is no longer any doubt in Pria’s mind that the Unified World Order and their goals for humanity are wicked. But convincing the rest of the world will be another story. When it’s revealed that the files she’d stolen from Sanctuary are worthless to the rebel cause, Pria and the other Free Patriots must scramble to come up with another way to convince the rest of the criminals to rise up in open revolution before the UWO’s monsters hunt down and destroy them all. But Pria still knows so little about liberty and self-determination, and her tenuous grasp of human nature complicates her role in the rebellion as she finds herself torn between Pax, her ever-present protector, and Henri, her good-natured friend. As she works through figuring out her feelings, she becomes increasingly anxious for Pax, who displays symptoms of a disturbing ailment, even as he withdraws from Pria.

Free Patriots from outside Asylum bring with them a new plan to infiltrate the seemingly impregnable UWO machine, and Pria is once again at the center of the plan. This time, though, she must be willing to erase her identity, just as she’s beginning to figure out who she is. It’s a sacrifice she thinks she’s ready to make to take down the UWO and save the world, but she has no idea just how difficult it will be.

No excerpt available.

Other books in this series:
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