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Veena’s review of The Stranger You Know (Forensic Instincts, Book 3) by Andrea Kane
Psychological Crime Thriller published by Harlequin Mira 24 Sep 13

I automatically purchase everything with Andrea Kane’s name on it, and this book just reinforces my decision to continue to do so. I know the Forensic Instincts team, having worked with them in two previous books, as they used their skills and strengths to solve crimes and put criminals behind bars. The last time they did step a little out of the black in order to catch the bad guy, but he’s safe behind bars so how can he continue to orchestrate murder with his signature MO. Clearly he’s also made it very personal, since each victim is personally connected to Casey Woods and a clue to each murder is left near the home of our her team. Is your adrenaline pumping? Mine definitely did as I turned pages and worked closely with the team to stop the murders and save Casey.

This is not an interactive story in the sense that the reader cannot chose different paths, but I was sucked into the story in such a way that I felt a part of the task force as we all worked the murder. I did know a few extra things that the rest of the team did not, but, let me tell you, that in no way helped me stop the murders from occurring.

The high body count bothered me, along with the grisly nature of the crimes, as well as the age and potential of each victim. There were a few times when I found myself closing my eyes and crossing my fingers, hoping that the team would be able to save the victim – especially the last murder, I truly, truly hoped that a miracle would save her life.

The writing is so superb that I actually felt that I could see it unfolding in front of me like I was watching a movie instead of reading a book. If you enjoy crime drama with a very small touch of romance, then this book is for you.

Grade: A


College-age girls with long red hair are being brutally murdered.

Call. Kill. Repeat.

As more red-headed victims are added to the body count, it becomes clear that each one has been chosen because of a unique connection to Casey— a connection that grows closer and closer to her.

Now the Forensic Instincts team must race to uncover the identity of a serial killer before his ever-tightening circle of death closes in on its founder, Casey Woods, as the ultimate target.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

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