EXCERPT: Lady of Shadows by Anne Ireland

Tweet We have the first chapter of Lady of Shadows by Anne Ireland for you today. Rhianna is heroine who is a survivor. She suffers so much in her life, and that suffering begins early. Losing her mother, who she loved and admired more than anyone, is the genesis of...

REVIEW: Lady of Shadows by Anne Ireland

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Lady of Shadows (Sisters of the Ring, Book 1) by Anne Ireland Historical Romance ebook published by MuseItUp Publishing 20 Jun 12 I liked the idea of this paranormal story when it was offered for review, and while it does stick close to...

DUCK FLASH: HarperCollins Coup

Tweet This just in… HarperCollins has pre-empted World English language rights to The Dark Heroine: Dinner with a Vampire, and a sequel, by 17-year-old online sensation and debut novelist Abigail Gibbs, from Scott Mendel at Mendel Media Group, LLC, for a...

REVIEW: The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James

Tweet Veena’s review of The Ugly Duchess (Happily Ever After, Book 4) by Eloisa James Historical Romance published by Avon 28 Aug 12 Eloisa James presents us with a new ducal couple in her latest regency romance titled The Ugly Duchess. Theodora Saxby grew up...